Epic Walk Diaries (August 5)
pre-amble on salvage island
twisted metal in wait
glimpses of old world
conveyor cowboys
log wranglers
factory canned beach
hark a nameless park!
wild mint aspiring oregano
eclipsed (finally) by blackberries
not so hopeful start
factory canned district
hopeful forest sighting
trail maybe?
yes! and quietude
salvaged land(fill)
from dump to cute
heir of Avalon
and french colonials
parched stressed golds
ungraspable plums
gold and violacious damsels
in amaranthine drought
glimpses of Floridian chaos
snows of alder
search for elders
gratitude for paths
borderland forests
Start 4:10pm
End 5:45pm
After a tour through Mitchell Island, lunch at Burnaby Foreshore trail, walk through new River District neighbourhood (Olympic Village v2?), to Marine intersection, greeted by steampunk cyclist, sighting a forest we sniff out a trail (and an entire park!). Buoyed, we go up red alder trail, with some offshoots onto grey gum and blue elderberry trails, through cute co-ops. No streams in sight. We head back down, greeted by lovebug dog, down to Lola, more hopeful for the next leg.
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