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Binaural Recordings

These are binaural field recordings captured around Vancouver starting in April, 2020. Some were recorded with my collaborator and friend Alex Hass.

Mics used:
Sound Professional ultra-low noise in-ear mics (for earlier recordings)
Soundman OKM II Studio Solo (with the Soundman windshield for windy situations)

Click on the markers to view the info on the clip. Click on the title in the popup to hear the clip.

A walk with Alex Hass starting a little ways from kits beach and heading towards Jericho Beach. We hugged the shoreline. There were many little groups and one birthday party. The shoreline is mostly rocky with seaweed, shells, barnacles. This is a bit of an homage to Craig Mod’s wonderful SW945 Podcast which I highly recommend. Recorded on May 1st from 20:26 to 20:44.