July 23, 2019
Epic Walk Diaries, poetry, Research
Epic Walk Diaries (July 23)
permission to enter thank you for asking a past-teenage pass fields of chicory purply bright bitters river boat smell crows feasting on pungent impermanence a true path a mud bypass beside a more river at ease pump station prompts chaotic strategies inhibiting bacteria doubles us back to musqueam academy permission to enter yes some may not be as nice beware of the fore Amigo greets us at La Finca zucchini blessings for all sleeping pumpkins waiting for halloween fore ball pumpkin wow two hundred orange pounds not Portlandian figs roses sunflowers (not smiley yellow) mourning Gilbert Gilbert with the new apple tree smiles on imperfect grass river path edible sweetness Bauer bench a note to return a road to helpful extraordinary lips directed lively shaded limpid creek leaning queen anne thistles push pull poke guarding a soft finish fruity amble passed white history winched embarrassing riches river cops doubly taken land ripe bounty chalky jade anne bourne moments groomed wildness village permeability inaccessible secure wealth wild boundaries generous contradictions damson plum finish ---- [ Start 10:10 End 2:20 Musqueam Cultural Rotunda, to the river, cul-de-sac, back to Lola, to the Musqueam golf and learning academy, on Groomed Paths by the water, up to 51st ave, back down to the water, more Groomed Paths, along country club, past Deering Island, Groomed (Fruity) Paths, Mccleery Golf Course, picnic under plum tree, clean finish at Carnarvon St and Celtic Ave. ]
Indi Geneaitie
July 27, 2019 at 3:28 amwho gave permission?? how was/is it repaid?
September 4, 2019 at 11:32 amWe stopped in at the Musqueam Cultural Pavilion by the river. We asked someone who was minding the front desk, explaining what we were doing and the aim of the project. She phoned someone who could give permission and they had a quick conversation about the project. They gave permission and said that it helped that we were not teenagers (!) How is it paid back? There is a feeling of gratitude and certainly this project is about learning to have a better relationship with where we live and the history of this place. On a bigger (fuzzy) scale I think it’s fair to say that there will be beneficial reverberations. However, on a small scale, we will drop by with some token of thanks from the creative output of the project.