January 6, 2019
Epic Walk Diaries, poetry, Research
Epic Walk Diaries (January 6)
rovers range in the land of range rovers tailgates how we morally suffer and laugh delta seeking not quite there not yet we walk on role playing trails walking as mother as canadian not canadian loner a hollowed trunk tunnels to fresh Starbucks car tire support surprise to one detail to another miniature forests of primitive intruders horsetails primitive needs re-valuation logs wounded colours of blood and fire the storm disrupted for us you need mostability "don't take the lower trail" we do treasures of lichen bullrushes tiny brown mushrooms mother lode skeletons of summer ? what is that ? an urban translucent orange slimed chewed gummy bear fungalien buds on sideway trees mushroom forests a mostability of life everywhere this time yes to geraniums exit through disobedience water falls sounds to remove noise fractioned into our phones --- [ Start 2:11pm End 4:20pm Fraser lot to trail 6 Wreck beach expanse with log jam through storm disrupted lands lower forbidden trails lots of mud to designated smoking area treasures of washed in sand perfect for sand castles through obstacle courses makeshift bridges to trail 7 and gushing waterfall up forbidden stairs onto forbidden road back to Lola (and 49th) ]
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